An Artificial Intelligence revolution that benefits DAT's customers Three steps for a professional result ** Having been at the forefront of the use of translation memories, DAT is naturally prepared for the integration of machine translation technologies based on ... Technology translation Apr 30, 2022
CAT Tools What does CAT mean? CAT stands for *C* omputer-Assisted Translation*. CAT software breaks a text down into segments, with one segment usually equating to one sentence. The purpose of CAT software is... Technology translation Mar 14, 2022
THE VOICE OVER Le voice over signifie littéralement en anglais « voix par-dessus ». C’est une technique de traduction audiovisuelle qui consiste à superposer la voix originale par une autre voix dans une langue diff... Jan 9, 2021
TRANSLATING YOUR WEBSITE Are you thinking of translating your website [1] , but don’t know where to start? Follow our guide. In the early days of the internet, websites were merely collections of pages, all written using a ... Jan 8, 2021
Certified translation: the role of the sworn translator/interpreter * What is a sworn translator? ** You may have heard of certified translations, sworn translations, legal translations, or official translations. These are all different ways to refer to translatio... Jan 7, 2021
What is scientific translation and how does it relate to your company? Scientific translation is often conflated with technical translation. In addition to the sciences (biology, chemistry, physics), scientific translation primarily encompasses medical, pharmaceutical and... Jan 6, 2021
A closer look at subtitling It has to be said, few foreign language films make much of a splash in mainstream cinema in anglophone countries. Notable exceptions from over the years include “Life is Beautiful” (Italy), “Amélie” a... Jan 5, 2021
Translation or transcreation? Slogans, advertisements, film titles, product names… Very often, these few short words can be the most complicated to translate. Marketing materials, which often use word play, idioms or country-speci... Jan 3, 2021